'Vaccine' induces resistance against fungi, bacteria and viruses
terça-feira, novembro 22, 2022
Harverst Agro announced the launch of Stimullum Sherife, a technology that provides greater resistance against biotic (fungi, bacteria and viruses) and abiotic (heat, water stress) stresses during its development.
"With Sherife we are 'vaccinating' the crop that is in the open, that is, it is totally exposed to various situations, good or bad," says agronomist engineer, phD in plant nutrition at Harvest Agro, Roberto Reis.
According to him, the solution "helps plants to pass through these obstacles when they need and also the best to develop, impacting there at the end of the operation with the harvest"
Reis explains that Stimullum Sherife acts as a hormone modulator, natural inducer and still inhibits ethylene synthesis, attenuating the fall of leaves, fruits and pods.
"The proper hormonal balance is as important as the nutritional balance for good plant growth resulting in good crop yield. All these characteristics together promote better nutrition, rooting and cover of exploited soil and consequently higher productivity", says Harvest Agro, which is part of the Wirstchat Group.
Stimullum Sherife has in its formulation amino acids that will participate in the synthesis of specific hormones and also in the distribution of quantity adequately according to the need of the plant at each stage of its development.
"We also have as benefits provided by the product, the increase in the absorption of water and nutrients, better initial start of the crop, flowering, root strengthening engalhamento against tipping at the end of the crop cycle, besides being a product of easy handling. It's very complete," reis explains.
The product also promotes the activity of cellular detoxification enzymes such as peroxidases and superoxide-dismutases, which are fundamental for the degradation of free radicals. In this way the plant has its full development, without acceleration of vegetative stages.
Stimullum Sherife can be applied in all crops of economic interest, such as cotton, soybean, coffee, citrus, sugar cane, beans, corn, FLV (fruits, vegetables and vegetables).
Source: Agrolink
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