
Carbon market will be Brazil's main agenda at COP27

terça-feira, novembro 01, 2022

Extreme weather events such as droughts, floods and heat waves are increasingly frequent around the world. In this way, leaders from several countries, including Brazil, eventually meet at the so-called Conference of the Parties (COP) to discuss climate change and establish objectives and practices that could potentially reduce risks to the population.

This year, the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) takes place november 6-18 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The meeting promises to advance the process of implementing the actions and goals established in previous editions. The aim is also to pave the way for future ambitions. The discussion should focus on the themes of financing, climate adaptation, carbon market and mitigation.

At COP26, held last year in Glasgow, Scotland, the main purpose was to implement the Paris Agreement, established in 2015. The treaty between countries aims to keep the earth's temperature rise below 2 ºC and, ideally, up to 1.5 ºC. In this edition, the Brazilian government has made some commitments such as: zeroing illegal deforestation by 2028, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030; neutralise carbon emissions by 2050; and cut methane emissions.

According to the document "Brasil das Energias Verdes", of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), at COP27 the main objectives of the country are: to promote a meeting of international leaders, aiming to implement the global carbon market. In addition, climate funding should also be sought for mitigation and adaptation, especially to encourage the production of clean energy (biomass, wind and solar) and green hydrogen, the "Zero Methane" and "Renew" programs and the "+Verdes Schools" initiative.

According to the folder, will be presented at COP 27 the "Real Brazil", the country of clean energy and with the potential to be exporter of green hydrogen to the world, especially to Europe. Also according to the ministry, the event will have the largest booth ever set up by the country in a Climate Conference. There will be 300 square meters (m²) divided between the office of the Minister of the Environment, Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (Apex Brasil), National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) and Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae), as well as an exclusive area for exhibition on Brazilian biomes.

The so-called "Brazil Pavilion" will host the seminar "Energy, Industry, Agro and Green Investments". In it, there will also be announcement of real corporate actions, presented by CEOs of large Brazilian companies and multinationals, for a new economy neutral in emissions by 2050.


There are several challenges to be discussed by the country in the two weeks of cop27 with regard to the themes of financing, climate adaptation, carbon market and mitigation. For the founding partner of the law firm Mosello Lima Advocacia, Leandro Mosello, and for the company's COORDINATOR of PSA, Carbon Credits and Green Business, Marcela Pitombo, several points were pending consensus at the last meeting in 2021.

According to them, for the climate finance agenda the expectation is to charge implementation of financial support for the fulfillment of climate goals for poorer and more vulnerable countries, since the commitment of developed countries to donate US$ 100 billion annually in climate finance to developing countries most affected by the climate crisis has not been fulfilled.

In relation to the carbon market, it is necessary to regulate Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on "corresponding adjustments", or iNDC adjustments, in the transfer of credits between countries. In addition, it is necessary to standardize the understanding of the parties (countries) on how to operationalize the mechanisms of this market. "For Brazil, it is important to devote attention to the qualification, verification and certification of carbon credits to be marketed between countries, as well as in meeting the rule of the global market," they explain.

The opportunities for the country are also great. According to them, Brazil has the potential to be a protagonist in the discussions of COP 27. Among the actions that conceive this protagonism is the projection of generation of approximately 1 billion carbon credits of tons of CO2, with revenues of around US$ 100 billion by 2030.

In addition, according to Leandro Mosello and Marcela Pitombo, among the opportunities for Brazil are projects, programs and initiatives (public and private) of nature-based solutions (NBS). The pilot projects of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) of the Forest + Program, with recent public calls of the modalities Innovation, Communities and Conservation of the Forest+ Amazon Project, as well as the state programs such as Refloresta SP, PEPSA in Bahia and the REDD+ and PSA Judicial System, in the State of Maranhão, are some examples.

"There is also expectation for the innovative construction of the notice that aims at the granting of areas of the federal government, conservation units and glebes intended, for the development of projects of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) and generation of Forest Carbon Credits, under development by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), with direct repercussions on the climate and environmental agenda, marked by Brazil's commitment to mitigate 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030," adds Leandro Mosello e. Marcela Pitombo.

Technology can reduce impacts

For the CEO and founder of Bravo GRC, Claudinei Elias, following the advances of COP26 has long been aligned at COP27, mainly due to the potential and importance that Brazil has to support the various solutions based on green initiatives and technologies.

According to him, the country can be a huge greentech barn, that is, technological solutions that help reduce the negative environmental impact and achieve a more sustainable world. "It is an opportunity for Brazil, however, to demonstrate its interest in the agenda, even if it needs a financial participation among some countries, given the non-fulfillment of the commitment of developed countries to donate the amount of US$ 100 billion annually to developing countries affected by the climate crisis," he said.

According to Claudinei Elias, Brazil has many natural resources, which can contribute to a greater effectiveness in meeting the targets, especially in relation to carbon emissions. He believes that the main challenge is to have a stricter stance with laws and targets for this reduction, taking advantage of alignment with the challenges of the Paris Agreement, for example.

For the CEO and founder of Bravo GRC, through public policies and projects aimed at combating these changes is that the Brazilian scenario will establish these commitments. "Beyond taking the plans to COP27 it is necessary to align them to the reality of the country, which still needs a technical collaboration between all sectors: state and economy", he warns.

Minas Gerais entourage will participate in the event actively

The participation of Minas Gerais in COP27 is also long awaited. In the last edition, the State stood out with engagement in environmental defense. In addition, in 2021, the Government of Minas Gerais became the first in Latin America and the Caribbean to join Race to Zero – a global campaign to bring together leaders to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

The executive secretary of the Local Governments for Sustainability (Iclei) South America network, Rodrigo Perpétuo, highlights the mining commitment to the campaign. "We have an explicit commitment from the state government regarding the race for neutrality – Race to Zero – a commitment signed together with the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (Fiemg) and the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Minas Gerais (Faemg), then, a commitment also of the private sector of Minas Gerais", recalls

According to him, another movement that will be forwarded until the beginning of November is the update of the climate action plan of Minas Gerais. "Several consultations are already being made, including a public hearing in the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais (ALMG) and a process of refinement. The Government of Minas Will present at the World Cup 27 the main guidelines that will guide its climate action plan and this is a novelty. There is a good expectation in relation to the state", he points out.

According to Perpetual, although Belo Horizonte has no expected attendance at COP27, the climate action plan in the Capital is also under development. Also according to him, other cities, mainly linked to mining activity, such as Itabirito and Conceição do Mato Dentro, are also concerned and interested in aligning the process of productive reconversion and the future economic development plan with low carbon dynamics and the new economy.

He believes that the great novelty to be presented by the State in the months after COP27 is to have in ten years all municipalities aligned with the principles of carbon neutrality and with the plan of decarbonization and resilience.

The State System of Environment and Water Resources of Minas Gerais (Sisema) held, last Thursday (27), the pre-COP27 meeting to align the participation of the State Of Minas Gerais Entourage in the climate conference, which takes place from 6 to 18 November, in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt. The State will actively participate in the activities and will be present at the event with a delegation of 12 people.

The mining entourage is composed of the Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainable Development, Marília Melo; the president of the State Environmental Foundation (Feam), Renato Brandão; Feam's chief of staff, Renata Araújo; The Secretary of State for Economic Development, Fernando Passalio; The Director of Investment Attraction of Invest Minas, Ronaldo Barquette; the president of the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG), Marcelo Bonfim; BDMG Executive Director Edmilson Gama da Silva; the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Minas Gerais, Thales Almeida; the head of the Seapa Environmental Management Center, Pedro D ́Angelo Ribeiro; the president of the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of the State of Minas Gerais (Faemg), Antônio Pitangui; the Sustainability Advisory Of Faemg, Ana Paulo Bicalho and the President of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais, Flávio Roscoe.

The United Kingdom Consul in Belo Horizonte, Lucas Brown, stressed during the meeting the importance of the presence of the Minas Gerais government at COP27 for attracting new technologies and business opportunities to the state. "Collaboration between institutions and companies can attract many investments and thus generate more jobs and income, as well as the opportunity to implement effective actions that contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change in the state," he said.

Fernanda Cândido Baltazar, Director of Institutional Relations of the Arab Chamber, presented an overview of Arab countries and their contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. She also pointed to the participation in COP27 as an opportunity for new partnerships and actions to be discussed and implemented in Minas Gerais. "Brazil has become increasingly strategic for Arab countries on issues such as food security. Therefore, the expectation of these countries is to diversify and complement this partnership, further consolidating this historical cooperation with Brazil", he stressed.

"We are partners in Brazil in this meeting, we will be at COP27 and we want, especially in the post-COP27, to see how we can support the awareness of Arab countries, opening possibilities for the creation of an agenda, bringing stakholders to start talks and negotiations early next year," said Fernanda Baltazar.


Feam's chief of staff, Renata Araújo, explained how the decarbonization trajectory is being built in Minas Gerais, developed by Feam with the participation of several partners. The actions involve activities developed by specific sectors, such as the energy, transportation and agriculture sectors, in order to achieve neutrality in net greenhouse gas emissions.

The coordinator of the Sustainability Center of Feam, Alessandro Campos, presented the Inventory of Greenhouse Gases of Minas Gerais and the Climate Action Plan. The plan will allow Minas Gerais to achieve the carbon neutrality scenario in the coming years, in addition to reducing the risks of the effects of climate change on people, natural systems and infrastructure, making Minas Mine safer to live and undertake. It will present guidelines, targets, actions and indicators for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the adverse effects of climate change in the state.

Alessandro Campos also addressed the Mineiro Index of Climate Vulnerability (IMVC), treated in a specific chapter of the plan, and considered a reference for coping with climate change. "The main actions are carried out at the municipal level, so imvc tries to represent the main uses and threats within the mining territory and the different characteristics that reflect on the results we intend to achieve," he said. (Minas Agency).

Source: RPA news

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stability (1) ozone layer (6) Palm (2) palm oil (14) Palma (36) palmeiras (11) pampa (3) pantanal (8) papel e celulose (2) paper (1) PARAGUAY (3) Paris Agreement (110) partnership (2) pastagens (11) Pasture Management (3) Pasture Recovery (5) pecan (1) Pecuária (178) pecuária 4.0 (1) pecuária sustentável (5) Pegada de Carbono (108) Personal Care (3) Peru (3) Pesquisa (151) pesquisa e desenvolvimento (43) Pessoas (2) pesticides (25) pests (12) Petrobras (12) Petróleo (34) philippines (1) phosphates (5) photosynthesis (2) phytoplankton (1) phytosanitary (37) PIB (25) pinhão-manso (2) pirólise (3) Piscicultura (1) pitaya (1) planejamento estratégico (1) Plano Safra (5) Plant Based (31) plant pathology (1) plant patology (7) plant production (33) Plant-Based (4) plantas daninhas (11) plantas de cobertura (4) plantio direto (5) pnpb (4) polinização (2) Política (111) Política Ambiental (72) política de preços de combustíveis (1) Políticas (1) políticas públicas (28) politics (6) pollination (7) polluting activities (3) pollution (6) polyculture (1) pork (2) Portugal (2) pós-colheita (2) post-harvest (3) potássio (5) potassium (3) potato (5) poultry (10) povos indígenas (3) pragas (32) Preços (86) Preservação Ambiental (94) prices (5) Produção Agrícola (83) Produção Animal (51) produção de alimentos (14) produção de mudas (1) Produção Integrada (3) Produção Sustentável (83) Produção vegetal (61) production (2) productivity (50) Produtividade (230) Produtos (151) produtos florestais não madeireiros (13) Proteção Ambiental (25) proteção de nascentes (4) proteção de plantas (1) proteína animal (2) proteína vegetal (28) proteins (6) public health (17) public policies (2) pulp (1) Qualidade (14) qualidade da água (4) qualidade de vida (2) Qualidade do Ar (10) queimadas (3) química (1) químicos verdes (1) rapeseed (1) rastreabilidade vegetal (1) raw material (3) reciclagem (13) record (1) Recuperação Ambiental (10) Recuperação de área Degradada (70) Recuperação Econômica (3) recursos naturais (1) Recycling (9) REDD+ (2) redução da poluição (4) Reflorestamento (40) reforestation (5) regulamentação (4) regulation (1) Relatório (17) renewable energy (91) renewable fuel (9) RenovaBio (110) renovaCalc (3) Report (2) research (8) Research and Development (65) Reservas Legais (4) Resíduos (40) resistence (7) Responsabilidade Social (1) restauração florestal (3) rice (14) robótica (1) robots (6) rotação de culturas (4) Russia (21) Rússia (1) Russia x Ukraine (61) Sabão (1) SAF (11) Safra (12) safra 21/22 (1) safra 22/23 (5) safrinha (1) Santa Catarina (1) Saúde e Bem-Estar (159) saúde e bem-estar animal (8) SBNs (1) science (4) science and technology (91) sea (1) sea levels (1) seaports (1) Sebo (6) seca (8) seeds (7) Segurança Alimentar (209) Segurança Energética (21) Selo Social (17) sementes (19) sequestro de carbono (10) serviços ambientais (3) sewage waste (1) silvicultura (7) singapore (3) Sistema Agroflorestal (52) Sistemas Integrados (54) social (2) social inequality (1) Sociobiodiersidade (14) Soil (23) soil biology (1) Soja (244) solar energy (2) solid waste (4) Solos (101) sorgo (2) south africa (1) south america (26) south korea (1) southern Agricultural Council (1) soybean (42) soybean complex (5) soybean oil (6) soybeans (18) spain (1) steam (1) storage (4) sugar (8) sugarcane (32) suinocultura (2) suínos (1) sunflower (10) sunflower oil (6) Sustainability (160) sustainable agriculture (11) Sustainable Development (23) Sustainable Energy (72) Sustentabilidade (839) swine (2) taxes (8) taxonomy (1) technology (64) Tecnologia (151) tecnologias digitais (15) Tempo (2) terras indígenas (16) thailand (1) Títulos verdes (4) tomato (14) transgenic (34) transgênicos (17) transição energética (39) Transportes (17) transports (13) trees (5) Trigo (23) tubers (1) Turismo Sustentável (7) turkey (1) ubrabio (12) Ucrânia (3) UK (5) Ukraine (9) Unica (1) Unidades de Conservação (11) urea (2) uruguay (3) USA (91) USDA (19) uso do solo (21) uva (1) vaccination (1) vaccine (2) vacinação (2) vazio sanitário (3) VBP (1) vegetable nutrition (8) vegetable oils (18) versatilidade (1) vertical farms (1) Vídeo (308) vinhos (1) viruses (3) War (36) waste (4) water (8) webinar (1) wheat (51) wine (4) winter crops (1) wood (4) World (190) World Economy (92) WTO (1) ZARC (2) zero tariff (2) Zero-Carbon (3) zoneamento agrícola (10) zoneamento climático (3) zoneamento territorial (1) zootecnia (1)

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