Sunflower crop will be 50% higher
quarta-feira, março 16, 2022
The estimate for the 2021/22 sunflower crop is an increase in the planted area and production by 8.2% and 49.4%, respectively, compared to last season. The data were released by Conab in its last crop survey.
The Midwest region is the main producer of sunflower. In addition to oil extraction, its use in animal and human feed is common. In Goiás it is estimated an increase in the sunflower area by 20%, compared to the last harvest, due to the existence of beneficiary companies that promote planting through contracts for advance purchases of the product. There is some difficulty in increasing advance purchase contracts with producers due to the high variation in grain quotes.Some producers have started sowing, however the rain is slightly delaying the soybean harvest, which hinders the progress of sunflower implantation. The productivity expectation is 1,574 kg/ha.
There are at least ten cultivars on the market, with the cycle from sowing to harvesting ranging from 105 days to 120 days. The crops already sown are in emergency, and the development conditions are good due to the great water availability in the soil. The cost of culture is done with its own resources. The main buyer company offers credit line, but little sought after.
Source: Agrolink
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